Today we've released Sekai Phone ver.4.6.0, supporting Sony's SmartEyeglass. It is available on Google Play.
To try the feature for SmartEyeglass, you must download the extension app from Google Play. And this extension app is for sale. but we donate all of the profit as Dream Project.
本日、セカイフォン ver.4.6.0 (SonyのSmartEyeglass対応)をリリースしました。Google Playからダウンロード可能です。SmartEyeglass対応の機能を使っていただくには、別途、拡張アプリ(有料)をダウンロードいただく必要があります。ただ、Dream Projectの一環として、利益の全額を寄付させていただきます。
Supporting Sony's SmartEyeglass
Major Features
Sekai Phone supports Sony SmartEyeglass. So you can use Sekai Phone with Sony's Smart Eyeglass.
Use case
Sekaiphone is especially useful for the following two use cases.
Setting for SmartEyeglass
At first, you need to enable "Glass colloboration". After showing Settings, you need to tap "Detail Settings". And enable checkbox on "Glass Collaboration".
Download URL
-Basic App (基本アプリ)
-Smart Eyeglass extension app (拡張アプリ)
Product Notice
Sekaiphone was introduced at Sony's SmartEyeglass Official site as a recommended app.
-Japanese page…/smarteyegla…/applications/